

What we have to offer – EMEA

ID & Security

The EMEA region: a world of diversity put together, where business meets trade, culture and travel. Here’s how integrating our HERMES border management solution in EMEA’s border agencies can help achieve the highest standards of law enforcement, cross-border management, and control.

Contact us o learn more about HERMES.

Lo que tenemos para ofrecer – LATAM WCC Videos

ID & Security

La incorporación de nuestra solución de seguridad fronteriza HERMES en las agencias latinoamericanas de control de las fronteras puede mejorar la eficacia en las operaciones de los agentes fronterizos para combatir actividades ilícitas como el tráfico de mercancías y la inmigración ilegal, con lo cual se favorece el crecimiento del turismo en Latinoamérica.

Contáctenos para más informaciones sobre HERMES.

O que temos para oferecer – LATAM WCC Videos

ID & Security

A integração da nossa solução de segurança de fronteira, o Hermes, permite que as agências de controle de fronteira da América Latina aumentem a eficácia do trabalho dos agentes de controle. Aprimorando o combate contra atividades ilegais, tais como o tráfico de mercadorias e a imigração ilegal, e portanto favorecendo o aumento do turismo na região.

Entre em contato conosco para saber mais sobre HERMES.

ID & Security

The EMEA region: a world of diversity put together, where business meets trade, culture and travel. Here’s how integrating our HERMES border management solution in EMEA’s border agencies can help achieve the highest standards of law enforcement, cross-border management, and control.

Contact us o learn more about HERMES.

ID & Security

La incorporación de nuestra solución de seguridad fronteriza HERMES en las agencias latinoamericanas de control de las fronteras puede mejorar la eficacia en las operaciones de los agentes fronterizos para combatir actividades ilícitas como el tráfico de mercancías y la inmigración ilegal, con lo cual se favorece el crecimiento del turismo en Latinoamérica.

Contáctenos para más informaciones sobre HERMES.

ID & Security

A integração da nossa solução de segurança de fronteira, o Hermes, permite que as agências de controle de fronteira da América Latina aumentem a eficácia do trabalho dos agentes de controle. Aprimorando o combate contra atividades ilegais, tais como o tráfico de mercadorias e a imigração ilegal, e portanto favorecendo o aumento do turismo na região.

Entre em contato conosco para saber mais sobre HERMES.

What we have to offer – LATAM WCC Videos

ID & Security

Integrating our HERMES border security solution in Latin American border agencies can enhance the work effectiveness of border control agents to fight illegal activities such as goods trafficking and illegal immigration, favoring the growth of tourism in Latin America.

Contact us to learn more about HERMES border security solution.

HERMES Manifesto Part 2

ID & Security

WCC’s integrated border security solution for screening API and PNR data – HERMES – offers data analytics, risk assessment, and a unique rule-based targeting engine. It mitigates border security challenges, increases global health security and fights cross-border crimes.

Contact us to learn more about HERMES.

Civil Registration

ID & Security

Civil Registration, is key to social inclusion. Without it, it becomes impossible to successfully plan services such as health, education, and job support. WCC’s Civil Registration and Vital Statistics solution, HERA, can be customized to a country’s needs, providing extensive functionality to capture a wide range of national civil registration events.

Contact us to learn more about HERA.

ID & Security

Integrating our HERMES border security solution in Latin American border agencies can enhance the work effectiveness of border control agents to fight illegal activities such as goods trafficking and illegal immigration, favoring the growth of tourism in Latin America.

Contact us to learn more about HERMES border security solution.

ID & Security

WCC’s integrated border security solution for screening API and PNR data – HERMES – offers data analytics, risk assessment, and a unique rule-based targeting engine. It mitigates border security challenges, increases global health security and fights cross-border crimes.

Contact us to learn more about HERMES.

ID & Security

Civil Registration, is key to social inclusion. Without it, it becomes impossible to successfully plan services such as health, education, and job support. WCC’s Civil Registration and Vital Statistics solution, HERA, can be customized to a country’s needs, providing extensive functionality to capture a wide range of national civil registration events.

Contact us to learn more about HERA.


ID & Security

When it comes to global health, e-Health can have a number of benefits. With the re-opening of borders and restart of aviation, governments need to mitigate health risks. WCC’s HERMES Covid-19 Health Dashboard seamlessly integrates health data into the HERMES passenger screening process to help border police ensure smooth passenger flow at borders.

Contact us to learn more about HERMES.

HERMES Manifesto Part 1

ID & Security

Trust inspires relationships to build value, nurture security and innovate. With HERMES, we can achieve that. HERMES, our passenger-centric, out-of-the-box API and PNR solution, enables smooth, secure passenger screening for intelligent border management and optimum passenger flow at all kinds of borders.

Contact us to learn how HERMES solutions help smart border management.

Trends & Air Travel for 2022 and beyond

ID & Security

Air traffic is gaining momentum with the decline in daily COVID-19 cases, and travel norms are easing at leading global destinations. Facilitating cross-border transport is a crucial prerequisite for economic development and security. HERMES is a solution that optimizes border management control.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can optimize border management control.

ID & Security

When it comes to global health, e-Health can have a number of benefits. With the re-opening of borders and restart of aviation, governments need to mitigate health risks. WCC’s HERMES Covid-19 Health Dashboard seamlessly integrates health data into the HERMES passenger screening process to help border police ensure smooth passenger flow at borders.

Contact us to learn more about HERMES.

ID & Security

Trust inspires relationships to build value, nurture security and innovate. With HERMES, we can achieve that. HERMES, our passenger-centric, out-of-the-box API and PNR solution, enables smooth, secure passenger screening for intelligent border management and optimum passenger flow at all kinds of borders.

Contact us to learn how HERMES solutions help smart border management.

ID & Security

Air traffic is gaining momentum with the decline in daily COVID-19 cases, and travel norms are easing at leading global destinations. Facilitating cross-border transport is a crucial prerequisite for economic development and security. HERMES is a solution that optimizes border management control.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can optimize border management control.

What we have to offer: APAC

ID & Security

The integration of our HERMES border security solution by the APAC region border agencies to process passenger data can streamline and accelerate the reduction of travel restrictions. As a result, HERMES will speed up the return of tourist arrivals to the many outstanding destinations that Asia and the Pacific offer.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can maximize security and passenger flow.

HERMES Responsible Air Travel – Part 2

ID & Security

HERMES COVID-19 Health Dashboard shows passengers’ health status to local health authorities or border police agencies. Using the IATA Travel Pass, passengers can create a secure and verified digital identity linked to their passport. WCC’s Health dashboard facilitates international travel, trade, and tourism fostering a safer world.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can maximize security and passenger flow.

HERMES Responsible Air Travel – Part 1

ID & Security

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, a coordinated international response regarding restrictions, standardized safety protocols, and effective communication is vital for the safe and responsible restart of travel. Our HERMES Border Management and Passenger Screening solution maximizes security and passenger flow at borders.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can maximize security and passenger flow.

ID & Security

The integration of our HERMES border security solution by the APAC region border agencies to process passenger data can streamline and accelerate the reduction of travel restrictions. As a result, HERMES will speed up the return of tourist arrivals to the many outstanding destinations that Asia and the Pacific regions offer.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can maximize security and passenger flow.

ID & Security

HERMES COVID-19 Health Dashboard shows passengers’ health status to local health authorities or border police agencies. Using the IATA Travel Pass, passengers can create a secure and verified digital identity linked to their passport. WCC’s Health dashboard facilitates international travel, trade, and tourism fostering a safer world.

Contact us to learn how HERMES can maximize security and passenger flow.

ID & Security

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, a coordinated international response regarding restrictions, standardized safety protocols, and effective communication is vital for the safe and responsible restart of travel. Our HERMES Border Management and Passenger Screening solution maximizes security and passenger flow at borders.

Contact us to learn more.

We are WCC


WCC helps Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies to accurately match people with suitable and sustainable jobs, and is committed to providing advanced software solutions to seamlessly capture, match, and analyze big data, gaining valuable insights paramount to effective decision-making.

Contact us to learn more.

Embrace Change with WCC


Global changes have a dramatic impact and are happening faster and faster, so we want you to know that WCC will keep pace with the new global challenges. We create and deliver smart software solutions that really matter. Solutions that enable organizations to make data-driven decisions at scale and at speed.

Contact us to embrace the change!

HERMES – User Experience

ID & Security

With more than 4 billion passenger journeys each year, border controls need to process vast quantities of passenger data. While the demand decreased in 2020, it’s now rising. As a result, there’s a need for intelligent solutions that can quickly process complex passenger information and identification data.

Contact us, and we’ll show you how to foster a safer world.


WCC helps Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies to accurately match people with suitable and sustainable jobs, and is committed to providing advanced software solutions to seamlessly capture, match, and analyze big data, gaining valuable insights paramount to effective decision-making.

Contact us to learn more.


Global changes have a dramatic impact and are happening faster and faster, so we want you to know that WCC will keep pace with the new global challenges. We create and deliver smart software solutions that really matter. Solutions that enable organizations to make data-driven decisions at scale and at speed.

Contact us to embrace the change!

ID & Security

With more than 4 billion passenger journeys each year, border controls need to process vast quantities of passenger data. While the demand decreased in 2020, it’s now rising. As a result, there’s a need for intelligent solutions that can quickly process complex passenger information and identification data.

Contact us, and we’ll show you how to foster a safer world.

HERMES – Passenger Screening

ID & Security

The global pandemic has disrupted air travel while increasing opportunities for illicit trade. Enhanced border controls help combat crime and illegal immigration, while new vaccine control measures have been introduced. Airports, seaports, and other border crossings must invest in border control technology.

Contact us, and we’ll show you how to foster a safer world.

HERMES – Modular Border Security

ID & Security

Our advanced software solutions, in-depth knowledge and understanding of our customers’ business sets us apart. We have launched multiple identity and security solutions, including HERMES for Border Management, HERA for Civil Identity Management, and our ELISE ID Platform for Identity Matching.

For more information, contact us.

HERMES – Passenger Screening Solution

ID & Security

WCC HERMES is an integrated border security solution for processing and screening Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data. HERMES ensures both state-of-the-art security and optimum passenger flow at all kinds of borders, airports, and seaports.

For more information, contact us.

ID & Security

The global pandemic has disrupted air travel while increasing opportunities for illicit trade. Enhanced border controls help combat crime and illegal immigration, while new vaccine control measures have been introduced. Airports, seaports, and other border crossings must invest in border control technology.

Contact us, and we’ll show you how to foster a safer world.

ID & Security

Our advanced software solutions, in-depth knowledge and understanding of our customers’ business sets us apart. We have launched multiple identity and security solutions, including HERMES for Border Management, HERA for Civil Identity Management, and our ELISE ID Platform for Identity Matching.

For more information, contact us.

ID & Security

WCC HERMES is an integrated border security solution for processing and screening Advance Passenger Information (API) and Passenger Name Record (PNR) data. HERMES ensures both state-of-the-art security and optimum passenger flow at all kinds of borders, airports, and seaports.

For more information, contact us.

Public Employment Service – English


Government agencies in Costa Rica wanted to identify opportunities in the labor market, so WCC was asked to develop a state of the art labor market solution. We provide a Smart and Intuitive registration process, strategic insights into the labor market, and supply custom career guidance.

For more information, contact us.

Public Employment Service – Español


Para apoyar a la fuerza laboral de Costa Rica a identificar oportunidades en el mercado laboral local y global, el gobierno costarricense ha pedido a WCC que desarrolle una plataforma de mercado laboral de vanguardia que proporcionará.

Para mas información contactenos.

Public Employment Services


We believe that remarkable software combined with industry expertise makes the difference. Public Employment Services (PES) have been using our technology, solutions, and consulting services since 1997. We’ve continued to develop and enhance our solutions, making them unique in the market.

For more information on our PES solutions, contact us.


Government agencies in Costa Rica wanted to identify opportunities in the labor market, so WCC was asked to develop a state of the art labor market solution. We provide a Smart and Intuitive registration process, strategic insights into the labor market, and supply custom career guidance.

For more information, contact us.


Para apoyar a la fuerza laboral de Costa Rica a identificar oportunidades en el mercado laboral local y global, el gobierno costarricense ha pedido a WCC que desarrolle una plataforma de mercado laboral de vanguardia que proporcionará.

Para mas información contactenos.


We believe that remarkable software combined with industry expertise makes the difference. Public Employment Services (PES) have been using our technology, solutions, and consulting services since 1997. We’ve continued to develop and enhance our solutions, making them unique in the market.

For more information on our PES solutions, contact us.

The Belgian PES: VDAB


Business partners of the Belgian PES, VDAB, wanted to see significant improvements in the quality of their job matching. WCC competence-based matching strategies, refined monthly, were used to improve the quality significantly. As a result, customer satisfaction grew markedly.

For more information on our ELISE Smart Search & Match Platform, and our GAP and Referral Manager modules, contact us.


Business partners of the Belgian PES, VDAB, wanted to see significant improvements in the quality of their job matching. WCC competence-based matching strategies, refined monthly, were used to improve the quality significantly. As a result, customer satisfaction grew markedly.

For more information on our ELISE Smart Search & Match Platform, and our GAP and Referral Manager modules, contact us.

    Get in touch

    Solutions interest:

    Software solutions for Employment Services

    Passenger Screening

    Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

    Identity Matching

    Data Matching

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      Request a demo

      Solutions interest:

      Software solutions for Employment Services

      Passenger Screening

      Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

      Identity Matching

      Data Matching

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