Employment Platform
A Modular Configurable Solution
The WCC Employment Platform includes a range of fully configurable software modules designed specifically to meet the needs of both Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies. WCC has 20+ years of experience within the Employment Services sector. As a result, our Employment Platform is highly configurable and flexible, meeting a wide range of requirements. The Employment Platform offers excellent value to user groups such as jobseekers, employers, employment caseworkers, and recruitment consultants.
Employment Platform – flexible and scalable
WCC specifically designed the Employment Platform to be flexible and scalable. Therefore it meets the needs of any PES, however demanding. Firstly, it includes a wide range of powerful software modules, all of which can be easily configured to create a customized portal. Secondly, we designed the Employment Platform to be scalable. As a result, the Employment Platform can support even the largest PES or Staffing Agency, automatically scaling to match demand.
In particular, our flexible Employment Platform modules will reduce the cost of implementation. So customers can deliver Employment Services with a minimum of effort. Furthermore, at a lower cost than self-build!
Employment Platform Modules
EP Match module
The EP Match module delivers multiple match models, so Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies can cross-match data from jobseekers and employers in a single operation. Not only does this matching process take the requirements of both parties into account, but it saves money and resources too. What is more, administrators can quickly and easily configure the match models to meet their specific needs. Using an easy-to-use match management interface, users can apply multiple filters and weights to all job and jobseeker properties, such as salary and location. Actively steering the matching results to effectively and efficiently support caseworkers. Thanks to the EP Match module’s highly configurable behavior, and transparency in matching jobseekers to jobs, every PES can take full advantage of our advanced self-service applications to create optimized matches between jobseekers, and employers.
EP Profiling module
Another key module is our EP Profiling module, designed to handle different categories of jobseekers. For example, caseworkers can classify jobseekers into segments based on their recent employment history. And also identify long and short-term unemployed. Segmentation is beneficial for implementing targeted Active Labor Market Policies (ALMPs), displaying specific matching jobs that will accelerate the jobseeker’s chances of employment.
EP Enrollment module
Good quality registration of user data, such as jobseekers, employer and vacancy information is of crucial importance for good quality search and match services. The EP Enrollment module delivers two API’s that improve data quality, and power advanced data registration services in the end-user applications.
Input Completion improves the registration of data by end users (jobseeker, employer or caseworker) by supporting the selection of the correct occupations, skills and/or education from a list of regulated values defined in EP Taxonomy Manager. Free text user input is interpreted using the (English) content of the taxonomies, and smart suggestions for the most suitable values are returned.
EP Gap Analysis module
Our EP Gap Analysis module helps jobseekers identify gaps in their skills, competencies, certifications, experience, salary expectations, education, and location. In fact, we can identify factors that may prevent them from obtaining their dream job. With this in mind, EP Gap Analysis guidance will help jobseekers to create personal development plans and training plans. And so help them to achieve their goals.
EP Referral module
The EP Referral module guides jobseekers towards support measures. Specifically in the form of education and upskilling. Amongst other options, skill improvement could entail vocational training. Or, for example, the creation of a more general education plan. When these measures are applied, and jobseekers complete their training, this will improve their chances of gaining the role they desire in the labor market.
EP Analytics module
It can be a challenge for Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies to view all of the information needed in one place and at one time. Successful decision-making requires comprehensive, high-quality data covering labor market patterns and skills availability, along with concrete knowledge of how systems are used. Our EP Analytics module is the solution that can provide targeted graphs and insights to allow experts to react to the unexpected and keep refining and improving their labor market strategies.

Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies
Using the Employment Platform, Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies can respond quickly to labor market demands. For instance, they can learn how the labor market is changing. They can also easily define target groups and identify appropriate matching strategies for each group. As a result, they can construct targeted employment measures. For example, provide additional skills training or education opportunities. We count the largest PES in Europe amongst our clients, so demonstrating that the Employment Platform meets the needs of any Employment Service. Above all, the Employment Platform modules offer excellent business value to all players in the sector.
WCC designed the Employment Platform specifically to assist Public Employment Services (PES). However, we have more than 20 years of experience in the Employment Services domain. As a result, the Employment Platform has evolved to match the needs of both Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies.
The challenges of a dynamic labor market
It’s important to realize that labor markets are dynamic. For one thing, the world around us changes continuously. These changes markedly affect the labor market, and this often impacts employment opportunities. In the first place, the type of work available changes continuously, and jobseekers’ skills don’t always match the skills needed. As a result, sudden changes in the labor market can quickly lead to dramatic consequences for jobseekers and employers.
Then again, these are not the only challenges. For example, unforeseen market issues, economic change, and evolving markets all affect employment prospects. Also, population aging and immigration will have a significant impact. Unsurprisingly, these changes will eventually influence supply and demand in the labor market. But, most importantly, the local PES will need to develop a custom approach to resolve these problems rapidly. Without interventions, these changes will lead to an imbalance in the job market.
WCC designed the Employment Platform to resolve many of these issues. To put it another way, our Employment Platform bridges the gap between labor market supply and demand for Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies.
Crucial labor market factors
It’s important to realize that these challenges not only impact Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies. Jobseekers and employers are equally affected. With this in mind, it’s important that all actors in the labor market must:
- Firstly, acknowledge the distance to the labor market – especially for vulnerable population groups
- Secondly, make future-proof decisions on education, career orientations, and lifelong learning
Matching, gap analysis, and referrals
In the job matching process, jobseekers may receive suggestions about other types of occupations. Or perhaps they have an interest in making a change. New career opportunities based on their education, soft skills, and work experience may open new horizons. And this is where our EP Gap Analysis module comes in. It helps jobseekers to see which skills or qualifications they lack for a specific profession. Which, in turn, gives them a clear insight into career opportunities and training that may assist them in their goals. Equally important, it will help them to decide whether a particular step is feasible.
Employment Platform – matching ambition with skills
Ambition setting
The first thing to remember is that jobseekers frequently have many ambitions. However, in reality, how many of these ambitions will lead to employment? To this end, the EP Gap Analysis module will indeed help to provide the answer. As a result, using the Employment Platform makes organizations uniquely placed to advise jobseekers. Above all about the feasibility of a particular career path. For example, “you can achieve this ambition only if you follow this training path.”
It is important to define the shortest path to employment or a career change. This is especially important for jobseekers that have outdated skills. For this reason, our EP Gap Analysis module provides a detailed analysis of skills. That is to say, it shows the difference between required and optional skills. And also the difference between the skills of a jobseeker and the skills needed for a specific job vacancy.
Employment Platform – matching vacancies
Vacancy analysis for jobseekers
When jobseekers find a vacancy, they also want to know how well they fit the job. EP Gap Analysis quickly provides an overview of any differences between the jobseeker’s ambitions / capabilities and the employer’s requirements. For instance, the analysis can include location, salary, (soft) skills, education, as well as certificates. This information is of course also vital when making decisions on training.
Jobseeker analysis for employers
Of course, several jobseekers may be suitable for the same vacancy. So who will be the best fit? Using EP Gap Analysis, an employer can identify the gaps between a jobseeker and a vacancy. In other words, predict if a jobseeker is suitable for (long-term) employment.
The EP Gap Analysis module returns the results in easy-to-use APIs. So Public Employment Services and Staffing Agencies can present the analyses in various ways. What is more, on multiple devices too.
Most flexible Employment Platform in the cloud
We can deploy the WCC Employment Platform as Software as Service (SaaS), including all the features you need. The cloud solution provides many benefits to large Public Employment Services and smaller and regional organizations, offering more flexibility, many customization options, data security, and better control of your total cost of ownership. Our SaaS solution is powered worldwide by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and available on AWS Outpost to assure regulatory compliance for data residency in your country.
Success Stories

• The Austrian PES, AMS, wanted to modernize its services for caseworkers, employers, and jobseekers while introducing skill-based matching.
• So WCC Employment Platform modules were tested in a ‘Match Lab’ at AMS.
• AMS gained experience of WCC Employment Platform modules, delivering better services and results, with less manual work, and fewer errors.

• The two main concerns of the BA were data security/privacy, along with the cost of development, testing and production hardware.
• So WCC provided our ELISE Search & Match Platform to encrypt the data, as well as enable virtualization using Docker containers.
• Data privacy subsequently improved, coupled with lower costs for hardware due to a flexible infrastructure.