
Digital transformation & Innovating with AI for Governments

In this webinar, Jonas Oijevaar, Head of Product Marketing & Marcom at WCC Group, and Manu Niinioja, Law Enforcement expert at WCC group delve into the challenges of handling passenger data across various travel modalities and diverse border crossings without losing track of privacy and human rights.

Ensuring smooth border crossings for legitimate travelers via air, sea, and land

In this webinar, Jonas Oijevaar, Head of Product Marketing & Marcom at WCC Group, with Roberta Piscitelli and Stephano Bosman from Amazon Web Services (AWS) discuss how cutting-edge AI technologies can support the mission-critical role of Public Employment Services, enhancing efficiency, equity, and service delivery.

Improve Labor Market Information Systems (LMIS) to Support Third Country Nationals

In this webinar, Jonas Oijevaar and our guest Eamonn Davern, an International Employment Services Expert Consultant with extensive experience in managing the UK PES International Team, elaborate on labor market migration issues. 

From Paper to Digital: Advancing Vital Statistics in Laos

In this webinar, our product experts will walk you through the journey from paper-based processes to digital efficiency and the positive impact this transformation is having on Lao PDR’s citizens.

Leveraging Knowledge Management in PES for Sustainable Workforce Development in the Green Economy

Knowledge Management is essential for Public Employment Services (PES) in order to contribute to the green economy transition. PES drives this transition by connecting jobseekers with sustainable and green jobs and aligning skills with emerging eco-friendly industries.

The responsible use of Artificial Intelligence in

Passenger Screening

In this webinar, our Head of Data Science, Alexander Hogenboom and Head of Product Marketing & MarCom, Jonas Oijevaar share our real-world experience in applying Artificial Intelligence to high-impact domains like border security, where transparency and controllability are of utmost importance.

The responsible use of Artificial Intelligence for Public Employment Services

In this webinar, our Head of Data Science, Alexander Hogenboom and Head of Product Marketing & MarCom, Jonas Oijevaar discuss why businesses have a responsibility to implement AI in a fair and ethical way when matching people with employment opportunities.

Preparing Costa Rica Human Capital for the Knowledge Economy

In this webinar, our product experts showcase in detail how WCC helped Costa Rican citizens prepare for the future and “skill up” in a rapidly changing economy.

HERMES Passenger Data Gateway Webinar

In this webinar, our product experts showcase in detail all the features of the HERMES Passenger Data Gateway.

ID and Security webinars

ID and Security webinars

Passenger Screening to combat illegal immigration & cross border crime – Part 1

In this first edition of our webinar series, we examine international passenger screening legislation and provide valuable insights into how border agencies must effectively handle passenger data to protect national borders. The webinar provides vital information for government bodies looking for information on API/PNR screening systems.

Passenger Screening to combat illegal immigration & cross border crime – Part 2

How do governments identify unwanted travelers before they arrive? In this second webinar, WCC discusses how to transmit passenger data to government agencies, highlighting the different providers offering data connectivity. In addition, we examine issues that affect passenger data quality and correction strategies, such as using links to historical passenger data.

Passenger Screening to combat illegal immigration & cross border crime – Part 3

In this third webinar, WCC introduces some of the advanced data-matching techniques used by our HERMES passenger screening solution. We describe how our Watchlist Matching, Rule-based targeting, and other Analytics features can help to screen passengers that warrant additional investigation, while at the same time ensuring full compliance with GDPR.

Passenger Screening to combat illegal immigration & cross border crime – Part 4

In this final part of our series of four webinars, we show how WCC uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to screen passengers and improve border security. We describe how AI techniques identify security risks, and Predictive Analytics and Anomaly Detection can help predict unknown threats. Last but not least, we introduce the new HERMES COVID-19 Health Dashboard.

Public Employment Service webinars

Interview with Columbian PES

In November 2019, independent Public Labor Market expert Miguel Peromingo spoke to Angi Velasquez, Director of Columbia’s Public Employment Service (PES). Ms. Velasquez describes the challenges the Columbian PES faces compared to other countries. For example, the difficulties of establishing a common strategy in a PES network comprising private and public organizations, and achieving effective collaboration with mainly small and middle-sized employers. Moving on to discuss digitalization, Ms.Velasquez describes her goal of redeveloping the PES digital labor market platform. She aims to make it the country’s main source of employability information in 2020.
For more information, contact us.

The Role of Big Data in PES

Guest presenter: Dr. Willem Pieterson, an expert on multi-channel communication in PES, discusses how Big Data and Big Data Analytics can be used to harvest data. The collection of the data is extremely valuable and especially important as part of efforts to improve services. In particular, Big Data leads to opportunities, monetary savings and improvements in operational efficiency within government and PES. Our webinar illustrates how Big Data and Big Data Analytics are paramount for vacancy matching, fraud detection, training/counseling. And how it can be used as a new channel for service delivery, and making labor market predictions possible for PES.
For more information, contact us.

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    Solutions interest:

    Software solutions for Employment Services

    Passenger Screening

    Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

    Identity Matching

    Data Matching

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      Solutions interest:

      Software solutions for Employment Services

      Passenger Screening

      Civil Registration and Vital Statistics

      Identity Matching

      Data Matching

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